HG31 offers lots of targeted programmes to help young people and emerging talent who live in challenging circumstances. It includes elements of: social action, creativity, exploring leadership, producing and project management skills. The Loft has 4 targeted initiatives:  

EmpowHER/GirlsCAN is a wellbeing and resilience programme for young women and girls. It also enables participants to undertake social action, previous groups have: 
+ Hosted a family funday event to raise money to support the Red Cross appeal for Yemen
+ Hosted an outdoor mini family festival to fundraise for homeless charities
+ Written Christmas Cards for people experiencing loneliness
+ Anti-bullying campaign
+ Celebrated and raised awareness of International Women’s Day

The Wire works with young people in Pupil Referral Units, using creative media to improve personal development, resilience and grow aspirations. Young people on this project also take part in workshops, discussions and events to explore positive solutions to take action on local issues. We utilise the following forms of creativity: 
+ Music production / Djing / Lyric writing / Poetry & spoken word
+ Performance/ Showcases / Cyphers/freestyles
+ Music videos  / Videography 

Get in contact!

+ Email: [email protected]